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Ever rested on a cloud?

Yonatan Arnon

A visit of acceptance, of tears like raindrops watering the 

ground, the physical landscape of the body

I am going to go through the portal.

You are leaving.

Yes, I am leaving, 

I don't know yet where to but I know it's.. ( silence)

But I have faith on one side and fear on the other ( you are quiet, you look deeply at my eyes ) 

You have faith and you are also afraid

( you sigh with your head, keep quiet and then look up towards me as if to say something) 

I am wondering if you are  afraid of death. 



I could not even say the word. 



D- E- A- T - H

What do you feel when you say that word?


Take it in slowly,

Feel it in your body,

In your spirit.

What is the color that comes up?

What is a smell that rises up?

Are you frightened or perhaps is it a relief?

What is your language of death?

A portal you say

A portal to where?

--Have you ever thought of your life as a portal? – 

What would the portal/ the end of this life unfold for you?

I haven't thought about it, 

that's a good question, 

It is accepting that everything is in place, 

It would be like resting on a cloud…

Rest on a cloud,

Your eyes tear

Let the tears

Like the rain

Drop by




Your cheeks

May your 





help the tears from your clouds come down

From the clouds of your sight,

your vision, 

your mind, 

Like the rain

Your tears are needed 

to fertilize the ground

for your physical landscape 

to replenish

to decay, 

to compost


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